Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2023
Generated 01-Aug-2023 02:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2023
Total Hits 229418
Total Files 227352
Total Pages 223307
Total Visits 5367
Total KBytes 17236863
Total Unique Sites 2753
Total Unique URLs 357
Total Unique Referrers 4570
Total Unique User Agents 366
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 308 1024
Hits per Day 7400 9276
Files per Day 7333 9221
Pages per Day 7203 9124
Sites per Day 88 227
Visits per Day 173 311
KBytes per Day 556028 6433863
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 99.10% 227352
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 3
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 66
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 15
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.09% 212
Code 404 - Not Found 0.77% 1770

Daily usage for July 2023

Daily Statistics for July 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 4537 1.98% 4453 1.96% 4305 1.93% 154 2.87% 156 5.67% 6433863 37.33%
2 6427 2.80% 6379 2.81% 6316 2.83% 108 2.01% 114 4.14% 75765 0.44%
3 6217 2.71% 6177 2.72% 6074 2.72% 133 2.48% 137 4.98% 141998 0.82%
4 7705 3.36% 7648 3.36% 7538 3.38% 136 2.53% 144 5.23% 254246 1.48%
5 8604 3.75% 8567 3.77% 8500 3.81% 146 2.72% 124 4.50% 254813 1.48%
6 7245 3.16% 7212 3.17% 7113 3.19% 136 2.53% 128 4.65% 233321 1.35%
7 8444 3.68% 8403 3.70% 8147 3.65% 148 2.76% 148 5.38% 361834 2.10%
8 9276 4.04% 9221 4.06% 9124 4.09% 152 2.83% 140 5.09% 4323493 25.08%
9 6651 2.90% 6600 2.90% 6504 2.91% 137 2.55% 140 5.09% 192675 1.12%
10 7471 3.26% 7376 3.24% 7278 3.26% 208 3.88% 227 8.25% 268411 1.56%
11 7144 3.11% 7004 3.08% 6800 3.05% 190 3.54% 196 7.12% 247990 1.44%
12 7686 3.35% 7622 3.35% 7435 3.33% 175 3.26% 185 6.72% 256421 1.49%
13 7492 3.27% 7446 3.28% 7317 3.28% 154 2.87% 164 5.96% 248958 1.44%
14 6566 2.86% 6533 2.87% 6399 2.87% 139 2.59% 143 5.19% 197553 1.15%
15 7388 3.22% 7351 3.23% 7220 3.23% 175 3.26% 167 6.07% 183968 1.07%
16 6505 2.84% 6435 2.83% 6291 2.82% 188 3.50% 183 6.65% 229041 1.33%
17 7500 3.27% 7439 3.27% 7315 3.28% 167 3.11% 159 5.78% 193184 1.12%
18 7247 3.16% 7183 3.16% 7043 3.15% 141 2.63% 135 4.90% 181321 1.05%
19 7420 3.23% 7375 3.24% 7175 3.21% 157 2.93% 154 5.59% 286576 1.66%
20 6867 2.99% 6787 2.99% 6646 2.98% 162 3.02% 135 4.90% 212517 1.23%
21 7192 3.13% 7081 3.11% 6919 3.10% 145 2.70% 124 4.50% 195484 1.13%
22 6237 2.72% 6157 2.71% 6037 2.70% 170 3.17% 144 5.23% 150192 0.87%
23 7113 3.10% 7059 3.10% 6958 3.12% 169 3.15% 106 3.85% 179976 1.04%
24 8090 3.53% 8012 3.52% 7728 3.46% 184 3.43% 138 5.01% 263549 1.53%
25 7297 3.18% 7226 3.18% 7028 3.15% 219 4.08% 149 5.41% 217737 1.26%
26 7558 3.29% 7459 3.28% 7363 3.30% 311 5.79% 141 5.12% 248159 1.44%
27 8690 3.79% 8612 3.79% 8532 3.82% 276 5.14% 151 5.48% 242275 1.41%
28 8347 3.64% 8254 3.63% 8186 3.67% 275 5.12% 145 5.27% 229090 1.33%
29 7063 3.08% 7006 3.08% 6893 3.09% 214 3.99% 156 5.67% 203717 1.18%
30 8393 3.66% 8315 3.66% 8254 3.70% 255 4.75% 153 5.56% 264347 1.53%
31 9046 3.94% 8960 3.94% 8869 3.97% 275 5.12% 161 5.85% 264390 1.53%

Hourly usage for July 2023

Hourly Statistics for July 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 317 9845 4.29% 314 9757 4.29% 310 9619 4.31% 9386 290968 1.69%
1 285 8860 3.86% 283 8797 3.87% 279 8650 3.87% 9563 296460 1.72%
2 327 10145 4.42% 324 10054 4.42% 319 9898 4.43% 138270 4286361 24.87%
3 295 9157 3.99% 292 9078 3.99% 287 8926 4.00% 9437 292562 1.70%
4 295 9167 4.00% 293 9110 4.01% 288 8953 4.01% 9458 293210 1.70%
5 306 9497 4.14% 304 9449 4.16% 300 9314 4.17% 9442 292700 1.70%
6 334 10369 4.52% 332 10315 4.54% 322 10009 4.48% 10544 326868 1.90%
7 307 9528 4.15% 305 9455 4.16% 299 9287 4.16% 80489 2495150 14.48%
8 316 9807 4.27% 313 9727 4.28% 308 9561 4.28% 105731 3277646 19.02%
9 321 9951 4.34% 317 9831 4.32% 312 9674 4.33% 8983 278458 1.62%
10 291 9039 3.94% 288 8955 3.94% 283 8793 3.94% 8959 277714 1.61%
11 276 8579 3.74% 274 8512 3.74% 269 8345 3.74% 8625 267367 1.55%
12 322 9985 4.35% 320 9921 4.36% 314 9744 4.36% 8727 270527 1.57%
13 321 9974 4.35% 318 9879 4.35% 313 9729 4.36% 47427 1470231 8.53%
14 286 8893 3.88% 282 8769 3.86% 277 8600 3.85% 9081 281525 1.63%
15 274 8497 3.70% 270 8376 3.68% 265 8244 3.69% 7910 245210 1.42%
16 293 9095 3.96% 289 8973 3.95% 283 8801 3.94% 8580 265974 1.54%
17 302 9376 4.09% 299 9294 4.09% 296 9176 4.11% 8806 272983 1.58%
18 296 9190 4.01% 293 9094 4.00% 288 8933 4.00% 8948 277402 1.61%
19 331 10267 4.48% 327 10158 4.47% 317 9839 4.41% 10257 317956 1.84%
20 336 10420 4.54% 332 10294 4.53% 328 10194 4.57% 8838 273970 1.59%
21 304 9434 4.11% 302 9371 4.12% 294 9138 4.09% 9539 295700 1.72%
22 314 9740 4.25% 311 9667 4.25% 307 9519 4.26% 9657 299365 1.74%
23 342 10603 4.62% 339 10516 4.63% 334 10361 4.64% 9373 290554 1.69%

Top 30 of 357 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 132947 57.95% 908 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202304.html
2 46821 20.41% 4700562 27.27% /webalizer/usage_202307.html
3 31740 13.84% 755296 4.38% /webalizer/
4 5045 2.20% 578406 3.36% /webalizer/usage_202301.html
5 3520 1.53% 4716 0.03% /
6 2434 1.06% 452610 2.63% /awstats/data/
7 1297 0.57% 141982 0.82% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
8 587 0.26% 3113 0.02% /login.html.hsphere
9 431 0.19% 21 0.00% /robots.txt
10 166 0.07% 880 0.01% /cp/login.html.hsphere
11 136 0.06% 12318 0.07% /awstats/data/
12 96 0.04% 124 0.00% /cp/
13 76 0.03% 193 0.00% /images/
14 74 0.03% 51 0.00% /awstats/
15 71 0.03% 50 0.00% /joseph/
16 55 0.02% 1223 0.01% /awstats/data/
17 51 0.02% 64 0.00% /awstats/icon/
18 49 0.02% 58 0.00% /cp/images/
19 39 0.02% 431 0.00% /awstats/icon/os/
20 35 0.02% 450 0.00% /awstats/icon/browser/
21 35 0.02% 1058 0.01% /awstats/icon/flags/
22 35 0.02% 188 0.00% /awstats/icon/mime/
23 34 0.01% 52 0.00% /awstats/icon/cpu/
24 33 0.01% 61 0.00% /awstats/icon/clock/
25 33 0.01% 110 0.00% /awstats/icon/other/
26 29 0.01% 4 0.00% /icons/blank.gif
27 27 0.01% 6 0.00% /icons/folder.gif
28 27 0.01% 6 0.00% /icons/text.gif
29 11 0.00% 870 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202106.html
30 10 0.00% 9 0.00% /cp//

Top 10 of 357 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 10 0.00% 9978735 57.89% /joseph/Joseph_Decker.m4v
2 46821 20.41% 4700562 27.27% /webalizer/usage_202307.html
3 31740 13.84% 755296 4.38% /webalizer/
4 5045 2.20% 578406 3.36% /webalizer/usage_202301.html
5 2434 1.06% 452610 2.63% /awstats/data/
6 2 0.00% 403043 2.34% /joseph/
7 1297 0.57% 141982 0.82% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
8 136 0.06% 12318 0.07% /awstats/data/
9 3520 1.53% 4716 0.03% /
10 6 0.00% 4615 0.03% /awstats/data/

Top 10 of 164 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3520 1.53% 1961 37.89% /
2 31740 13.84% 1792 34.62% /webalizer/
3 132947 57.95% 515 9.95% /webalizer/usage_202304.html
4 46821 20.41% 332 6.41% /webalizer/usage_202307.html
5 1297 0.57% 52 1.00% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
6 96 0.04% 34 0.66% /cp/
7 71 0.03% 23 0.44% /joseph/
8 76 0.03% 21 0.41% /images/
9 74 0.03% 19 0.37% /awstats/
10 55 0.02% 17 0.33% /awstats/data/

Top 10 of 165 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3520 1.53% 1917 36.70% /
2 31740 13.84% 1817 34.79% /webalizer/
3 132947 57.95% 514 9.84% /webalizer/usage_202304.html
4 46821 20.41% 336 6.43% /webalizer/usage_202307.html
5 1297 0.57% 50 0.96% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
6 96 0.04% 38 0.73% /cp/
7 71 0.03% 29 0.56% /joseph/
8 74 0.03% 25 0.48% /awstats/
9 76 0.03% 25 0.48% /images/
10 55 0.02% 22 0.42% /awstats/data/

Top 30 of 2753 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 132939 57.95% 132939 58.47% 0 0.00% 512 9.54%
2 6684 2.91% 6684 2.94% 724190 4.20% 68 1.27%
3 6613 2.88% 6613 2.91% 736554 4.27% 4 0.07%
4 5483 2.39% 5483 2.41% 596718 3.46% 8 0.15%
5 4245 1.85% 4245 1.87% 437750 2.54% 26 0.48%
6 4242 1.85% 4242 1.87% 396273 2.30% 3 0.06%
7 4206 1.83% 4206 1.85% 408131 2.37% 16 0.30%
8 3532 1.54% 3532 1.55% 323519 1.88% 2 0.04%
9 2280 0.99% 2280 1.00% 228358 1.32% 5 0.09%
10 1751 0.76% 1751 0.77% 164029 0.95% 17 0.32%
11 1710 0.75% 1710 0.75% 166794 0.97% 3 0.06%
12 1629 0.71% 1629 0.72% 167619 0.97% 4 0.07%
13 1258 0.55% 1258 0.55% 30327 0.18% 43 0.80%
14 1197 0.52% 1197 0.53% 18289 0.11% 105 1.96%
15 1080 0.47% 1080 0.48% 107775 0.63% 11 0.20%
16 1071 0.47% 1071 0.47% 99450 0.58% 1 0.02%
17 1055 0.46% 1055 0.46% 26156 0.15% 37 0.69%
18 866 0.38% 866 0.38% 21499 0.12% 41 0.76%
19 855 0.37% 855 0.38% 13062 0.08% 75 1.40%
20 854 0.37% 854 0.38% 13059 0.08% 75 1.40%
21 781 0.34% 781 0.34% 85496 0.50% 3 0.06%
22 777 0.34% 777 0.34% 82268 0.48% 2 0.04%
23 712 0.31% 712 0.31% 18219 0.11% 69 1.29%
24 684 0.30% 684 0.30% 10451 0.06% 60 1.12%
25 670 0.29% 670 0.29% 64836 0.38% 2 0.04%
26 653 0.28% 653 0.29% 16308 0.09% 73 1.36%
27 635 0.28% 635 0.28% 62775 0.36% 7 0.13%
28 631 0.28% 631 0.28% 16453 0.10% 80 1.49%
29 630 0.27% 630 0.28% 66296 0.38% 8 0.15%
30 625 0.27% 611 0.27% 71866 0.42% 10 0.19%

Top 10 of 2753 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 998515 5.79% 1 0.02%
2 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 998485 5.79% 1 0.02%
3 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 998365 5.79% 1 0.02%
4 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 998358 5.79% 2 0.04%
5 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 998327 5.79% 1 0.02%
6 8 0.00% 7 0.00% 998028 5.79% 2 0.04%
7 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 997983 5.79% 1 0.02%
8 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 997969 5.79% 1 0.02%
9 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 997875 5.79% 1 0.02%
10 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 997873 5.79% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 4570 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 11100 4.84%
2 10980 4.79%
3 10890 4.75%
4 10770 4.69%
5 10605 4.62%
6 10544 4.60%
7 10365 4.52%
8 10125 4.41%
9 9930 4.33%
10 9730 4.24%
11 9525 4.15%
12 9315 4.06%
13 9060 3.95%
14 5914 2.58%
15 5030 2.19%
16 4657 2.03%
17 4500 1.96%
18 4337 1.89%
19 3980 1.73%
20 3801 1.66%
21 3689 1.61% - (Direct Request)
22 3528 1.54%
23 3516 1.53%
24 2794 1.22%
25 2687 1.17% https://xn----7sbabaug7bxafzg.xn--p1ai/
26 2424 1.06%
27 2272 0.99%
28 2072 0.90%
29 1315 0.57%
30 1298 0.57%

Top 6 of 6 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 25.00%
2 2 25.00%\r
3 1 12.50%\r
4 1 12.50%\r
5 1 12.50%
6 1 12.50%\r

Top 15 of 366 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 132982 57.96% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 5205 2.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
3 5190 2.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
4 5098 2.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
5 5094 2.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 4425 1.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 2610 1.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 2598 1.13% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OpenWave/97.4
9 2567 1.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5042.0 Safari/537.36
10 2567 1.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
11 2556 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.134 Safari/537.36
12 2552 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 2540 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
14 2534 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
15 2527 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for July 2023

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 229418 100.00% 227355 100.00% 17236863 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20