Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2018
Generated 01-Mar-2018 02:00 MST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2018
Total Hits 43121
Total Files 42308
Total Pages 37613
Total Visits 3371
Total KBytes 27996589
Total Unique Sites 1355
Total Unique URLs 764
Total Unique Referrers 3669
Total Unique User Agents 605
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 64 563
Hits per Day 1540 2515
Files per Day 1511 2458
Pages per Day 1343 2195
Sites per Day 48 126
Visits per Day 120 157
KBytes per Day 999878 5228080
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 98.11% 42308
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.27% 115
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.06% 28
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.32% 139
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.13% 57
Code 404 - Not Found 1.10% 473

Daily usage for February 2018

Daily Statistics for February 2018
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2152 4.99% 2117 5.00% 2007 5.34% 121 3.59% 78 5.76% 1040837 3.72%
2 1861 4.32% 1843 4.36% 1680 4.47% 123 3.65% 61 4.50% 49011 0.18%
3 1691 3.92% 1661 3.93% 1425 3.79% 115 3.41% 81 5.98% 62415 0.22%
4 1769 4.10% 1746 4.13% 1522 4.05% 101 3.00% 80 5.90% 1058488 3.78%
5 2340 5.43% 2318 5.48% 2122 5.64% 139 4.12% 92 6.79% 76931 0.27%
6 1731 4.01% 1692 4.00% 1494 3.97% 140 4.15% 101 7.45% 59197 0.21%
7 1728 4.01% 1700 4.02% 1466 3.90% 127 3.77% 82 6.05% 1060140 3.79%
8 1984 4.60% 1972 4.66% 1636 4.35% 140 4.15% 79 5.83% 1686929 6.03%
9 1750 4.06% 1730 4.09% 1483 3.94% 107 3.17% 83 6.13% 1266885 4.53%
10 2065 4.79% 2037 4.81% 1701 4.52% 157 4.66% 107 7.90% 1085147 3.88%
11 2515 5.83% 2458 5.81% 2195 5.84% 120 3.56% 70 5.17% 4080310 14.57%
12 1943 4.51% 1894 4.48% 1606 4.27% 146 4.33% 92 6.79% 1263222 4.51%
13 1975 4.58% 1915 4.53% 1751 4.66% 142 4.21% 126 9.30% 54896 0.20%
14 1319 3.06% 1293 3.06% 1097 2.92% 147 4.36% 125 9.23% 3634056 12.98%
15 1001 2.32% 978 2.31% 882 2.34% 89 2.64% 101 7.45% 2413372 8.62%
16 1859 4.31% 1695 4.01% 1747 4.64% 148 4.39% 103 7.60% 31708 0.11%
17 1426 3.31% 1413 3.34% 1258 3.34% 130 3.86% 110 8.12% 58620 0.21%
18 1440 3.34% 1417 3.35% 1235 3.28% 103 3.06% 83 6.13% 61082 0.22%
19 1724 4.00% 1710 4.04% 1420 3.78% 122 3.62% 125 9.23% 1086086 3.88%
20 963 2.23% 946 2.24% 841 2.24% 122 3.62% 95 7.01% 32042 0.11%
21 1051 2.44% 1028 2.43% 984 2.62% 117 3.47% 78 5.76% 5228080 18.67%
22 666 1.54% 638 1.51% 611 1.62% 96 2.85% 53 3.91% 1213141 4.33%
23 621 1.44% 608 1.44% 567 1.51% 119 3.53% 59 4.35% 1217030 4.35%
24 729 1.69% 723 1.71% 571 1.52% 118 3.50% 65 4.80% 23804 0.09%
25 662 1.54% 643 1.52% 547 1.45% 96 2.85% 86 6.35% 13199 0.05%
26 1428 3.31% 1426 3.37% 1247 3.32% 94 2.79% 65 4.80% 64207 0.23%
27 1765 4.09% 1748 4.13% 1637 4.35% 127 3.77% 58 4.28% 46490 0.17%
28 963 2.23% 959 2.27% 881 2.34% 117 3.47% 57 4.21% 29263 0.10%

Hourly usage for February 2018

Hourly Statistics for February 2018
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 65 1824 4.23% 64 1807 4.27% 56 1595 4.24% 38151 1068235 3.82%
1 55 1557 3.61% 55 1542 3.64% 48 1357 3.61% 115677 3238963 11.57%
2 58 1626 3.77% 52 1472 3.48% 50 1413 3.76% 16210 453871 1.62%
3 53 1507 3.49% 53 1484 3.51% 45 1282 3.41% 72867 2040275 7.29%
4 61 1735 4.02% 61 1712 4.05% 54 1520 4.04% 9200 257588 0.92%
5 59 1674 3.88% 58 1644 3.89% 49 1388 3.69% 37668 1054696 3.77%
6 63 1785 4.14% 61 1733 4.10% 54 1539 4.09% 52149 1460161 5.22%
7 56 1589 3.68% 55 1551 3.67% 47 1335 3.55% 108323 3033044 10.83%
8 82 2320 5.38% 81 2293 5.42% 75 2100 5.58% 37901 1061238 3.79%
9 62 1739 4.03% 60 1705 4.03% 55 1543 4.10% 45061 1261695 4.51%
10 64 1794 4.16% 62 1756 4.15% 56 1584 4.21% 38077 1066159 3.81%
11 53 1501 3.48% 51 1446 3.42% 45 1287 3.42% 1341 37537 0.13%
12 59 1664 3.86% 58 1631 3.86% 51 1431 3.80% 45097 1262712 4.51%
13 81 2281 5.29% 80 2264 5.35% 74 2077 5.52% 3846 107690 0.38%
14 63 1769 4.10% 62 1749 4.13% 55 1558 4.14% 38195 1069449 3.82%
15 63 1788 4.15% 63 1770 4.18% 53 1509 4.01% 2544 71225 0.25%
16 61 1719 3.99% 60 1705 4.03% 54 1518 4.04% 1997 55918 0.20%
17 78 2191 5.08% 77 2157 5.10% 71 1988 5.29% 74024 2072673 7.40%
18 92 2586 6.00% 91 2549 6.02% 80 2262 6.01% 9952 278652 1.00%
19 55 1560 3.62% 54 1529 3.61% 47 1325 3.52% 79966 2239040 8.00%
20 72 2016 4.68% 71 1997 4.72% 64 1797 4.78% 37745 1056864 3.77%
21 57 1617 3.75% 56 1583 3.74% 50 1414 3.76% 1829 51208 0.18%
22 55 1543 3.58% 54 1527 3.61% 48 1357 3.61% 51535 1442974 5.15%
23 62 1736 4.03% 60 1702 4.02% 51 1434 3.81% 80526 2254723 8.05%

Top 30 of 764 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 16582 38.45% 392769 1.40% /webalizer/
2 14920 34.60% 20600 0.07% /
3 2243 5.20% 220930 0.79% /webalizer/usage_201802.html
4 1937 4.49% 462816 1.65% /awstats/data/
5 893 2.07% 4735 0.02% /login.html.hsphere
6 829 1.92% 91001 0.33% /webalizer/usage_201801.html
7 603 1.40% 29 0.00% /robots.txt
8 144 0.33% 100 0.00% /awstats/
9 137 0.32% 188 0.00% /cp/
10 134 0.31% 95 0.00% /joseph/
11 130 0.30% 1721 0.01% /awstats/data/
12 124 0.29% 315 0.00% /images/
13 109 0.25% 3215 0.01% /awstats/icon/flags/
14 105 0.24% 124 0.00% /cp/images/
15 101 0.23% 127 0.00% /awstats/icon/
16 101 0.23% 154 0.00% /awstats/icon/cpu/
17 100 0.23% 1286 0.00% /awstats/icon/browser/
18 100 0.23% 1106 0.00% /awstats/icon/os/
19 97 0.22% 179 0.00% /awstats/icon/clock/
20 97 0.22% 521 0.00% /awstats/icon/mime/
21 97 0.22% 11432 0.04% /webalizer/usage_201408.html
22 95 0.22% 317 0.00% /awstats/icon/other/
23 51 0.12% 69 0.00% /cp//
24 48 0.11% 57 0.00% /cp//images/
25 35 0.08% 5519 0.02% /awstats/data/
26 29 0.07% 3142 0.01% /awstats/data/
27 29 0.07% 3518 0.01% /webalizer/usage_201609.html
28 28 0.06% 15305 0.05% /awstats/data/
29 28 0.06% 5441 0.02% /awstats/data/
30 25 0.06% 23949219 85.54% /joseph/Joseph_Decker.m4v

Top 10 of 764 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 25 0.06% 23949219 85.54% /joseph/Joseph_Decker.m4v
2 11 0.03% 2216734 7.92% /joseph/
3 1937 4.49% 462816 1.65% /awstats/data/
4 16582 38.45% 392769 1.40% /webalizer/
5 2243 5.20% 220930 0.79% /webalizer/usage_201802.html
6 1 0.00% 201521 0.72% /joseph///
7 1 0.00% 201521 0.72% /joseph//
8 829 1.92% 91001 0.33% /webalizer/usage_201801.html
9 14920 34.60% 20600 0.07% /
10 23 0.05% 17692 0.06% /awstats/data/

Top 10 of 103 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 16582 38.45% 2004 60.13% /webalizer/
2 14920 34.60% 796 23.88% /
3 97 0.22% 88 2.64% /webalizer/usage_201408.html
4 2243 5.20% 51 1.53% /webalizer/usage_201802.html
5 144 0.33% 32 0.96% /awstats/
6 130 0.30% 31 0.93% /awstats/data/
7 829 1.92% 28 0.84% /webalizer/usage_201801.html
8 134 0.31% 27 0.81% /joseph/
9 137 0.32% 19 0.57% /cp/
10 109 0.25% 11 0.33% /awstats/icon/flags/

Top 10 of 103 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 16582 38.45% 2083 62.53% /webalizer/
2 14920 34.60% 696 20.89% /
3 97 0.22% 88 2.64% /webalizer/usage_201408.html
4 2243 5.20% 51 1.53% /webalizer/usage_201802.html
5 130 0.30% 35 1.05% /awstats/data/
6 144 0.33% 29 0.87% /awstats/
7 829 1.92% 28 0.84% /webalizer/usage_201801.html
8 134 0.31% 27 0.81% /joseph/
9 137 0.32% 24 0.72% /cp/
10 109 0.25% 12 0.36% /awstats/icon/flags/

Top 30 of 1355 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10575 24.52% 10575 25.00% 14561 0.05% 4 0.12%
2 5041 11.69% 5041 11.92% 119235 0.43% 71 2.11%
3 3749 8.69% 3749 8.86% 60845 0.22% 239 7.09%
4 3006 6.97% 3006 7.11% 46382 0.17% 83 2.46%
5 2060 4.78% 2060 4.87% 33629 0.12% 211 6.26%
6 923 2.14% 923 2.18% 10405 0.04% 34 1.01%
7 912 2.11% 912 2.16% 21604 0.08% 228 6.76%
8 808 1.87% 808 1.91% 19071 0.07% 202 5.99%
9 800 1.86% 800 1.89% 18953 0.07% 17 0.50%
10 620 1.44% 620 1.47% 148139 0.53% 0 0.00%
11 487 1.13% 430 1.02% 10012035 35.76% 74 2.20%
12 475 1.10% 475 1.12% 113494 0.41% 0 0.00%
13 451 1.05% 451 1.07% 6989 0.02% 163 4.84%
14 441 1.02% 436 1.03% 15875 0.06% 1 0.03%
15 441 1.02% 436 1.03% 15883 0.06% 1 0.03%
16 441 1.02% 436 1.03% 15893 0.06% 1 0.03%
17 441 1.02% 436 1.03% 15907 0.06% 1 0.03%
18 424 0.98% 424 1.00% 9977 0.04% 33 0.98%
19 343 0.80% 343 0.81% 8126 0.03% 195 5.78%
20 331 0.77% 331 0.78% 79087 0.28% 0 0.00%
21 292 0.68% 292 0.69% 931 0.00% 11 0.33%
22 268 0.62% 262 0.62% 10715 0.04% 1 0.03%
23 259 0.60% 254 0.60% 5924 0.02% 85 2.52%
24 248 0.58% 244 0.58% 1014906 3.63% 1 0.03%
25 241 0.56% 238 0.56% 5582 0.02% 80 2.37%
26 232 0.54% 232 0.55% 55433 0.20% 0 0.00%
27 225 0.52% 225 0.53% 53760 0.19% 0 0.00%
28 222 0.51% 222 0.52% 306 0.00% 74 2.20%
29 195 0.45% 195 0.46% 19855 0.07% 1 0.03%
30 194 0.45% 194 0.46% 17956 0.06% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 1355 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 487 1.13% 430 1.02% 10012035 35.76% 74 2.20%
2 13 0.03% 5 0.01% 2398871 8.57% 1 0.03%
3 248 0.58% 244 0.58% 1014906 3.63% 1 0.03%
4 20 0.05% 12 0.03% 999049 3.57% 1 0.03%
5 27 0.06% 11 0.03% 998985 3.57% 3 0.09%
6 6 0.01% 4 0.01% 998917 3.57% 1 0.03%
7 8 0.02% 3 0.01% 998659 3.57% 0 0.00%
8 6 0.01% 6 0.01% 998348 3.57% 1 0.03%
9 12 0.03% 7 0.02% 998290 3.57% 1 0.03%
10 7 0.02% 5 0.01% 998061 3.56% 2 0.06%

Top 30 of 3669 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4191 9.72% - (Direct Request)
2 1499 3.48%
3 1485 3.44%
4 850 1.97%
5 800 1.86%
6 788 1.83%
7 768 1.78%
8 765 1.77%
9 752 1.74%
10 733 1.70%
11 723 1.68%
12 720 1.67%
13 719 1.67%
14 490 1.14%
15 284 0.66%
16 224 0.52%
17 220 0.51%
18 200 0.46%
19 195 0.45%
20 194 0.45%
21 193 0.45%
22 192 0.45%
23 191 0.44%
24 182 0.42%
25 180 0.42%
26 176 0.41%
27 172 0.40%
28 164 0.38%
29 155 0.36%
30 153 0.35%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 15 of 605 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1928 4.47% Steroids for Sale (RoidsBiz)
2 1764 4.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; spbot/5.0.3; + )
3 894 2.07% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36
4 693 1.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
5 626 1.45% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
6 609 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.2; +
7 378 0.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/43.0.2442.11
8 363 0.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/43.0.2442.1
9 305 0.71% Googlebot-Image/1.0
10 296 0.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0
11 292 0.68% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
12 280 0.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
13 268 0.62% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; +
14 263 0.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
15 261 0.61% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0

Usage by Country for February 2018

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 43121 100.00% 42423 100.27% 27996589 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20