Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2019
Generated 01-Jul-2019 02:00 MDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2019
Total Hits 36494
Total Files 35780
Total Pages 30841
Total Visits 6602
Total KBytes 39590789
Total Unique Sites 2614
Total Unique URLs 366
Total Unique Referrers 2118
Total Unique User Agents 286
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 50 631
Hits per Day 1216 1945
Files per Day 1192 1919
Pages per Day 1028 1789
Sites per Day 87 401
Visits per Day 220 561
KBytes per Day 1319693 3403539
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 98.04% 35780
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.30% 111
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.09% 33
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.24% 88
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.44% 161
Code 404 - Not Found 0.88% 321

Daily usage for June 2019

Daily Statistics for June 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1649 4.52% 1647 4.60% 1459 4.73% 155 2.35% 61 2.33% 2454619 6.20%
2 1866 5.11% 1718 4.80% 1689 5.48% 186 2.82% 53 2.03% 60533 0.15%
3 1452 3.98% 1444 4.04% 1298 4.21% 211 3.20% 78 2.98% 48735 0.12%
4 1257 3.44% 1233 3.45% 1166 3.78% 229 3.47% 107 4.09% 227443 0.57%
5 956 2.62% 941 2.63% 777 2.52% 163 2.47% 63 2.41% 2242865 5.67%
6 839 2.30% 833 2.33% 662 2.15% 166 2.51% 81 3.10% 245101 0.62%
7 771 2.11% 752 2.10% 513 1.66% 145 2.20% 81 3.10% 255414 0.65%
8 1265 3.47% 1247 3.49% 1021 3.31% 98 1.48% 84 3.21% 1264670 3.19%
9 1348 3.69% 1325 3.70% 1138 3.69% 180 2.73% 128 4.90% 2250520 5.68%
10 1456 3.99% 1442 4.03% 1289 4.18% 213 3.23% 133 5.09% 2252360 5.69%
11 1030 2.82% 1021 2.85% 847 2.75% 210 3.18% 125 4.78% 247138 0.62%
12 1085 2.97% 1063 2.97% 901 2.92% 181 2.74% 125 4.78% 446130 1.13%
13 701 1.92% 692 1.93% 563 1.83% 175 2.65% 137 5.24% 1228581 3.10%
14 903 2.47% 882 2.47% 752 2.44% 212 3.21% 142 5.43% 1436580 3.63%
15 964 2.64% 945 2.64% 823 2.67% 217 3.29% 141 5.39% 1033733 2.61%
16 1012 2.77% 993 2.78% 860 2.79% 155 2.35% 83 3.18% 1241905 3.14%
17 1122 3.07% 1102 3.08% 960 3.11% 135 2.04% 114 4.36% 1441785 3.64%
18 1153 3.16% 1126 3.15% 987 3.20% 164 2.48% 98 3.75% 1260444 3.18%
19 1118 3.06% 1104 3.09% 976 3.16% 198 3.00% 123 4.71% 1462341 3.69%
20 1222 3.35% 1207 3.37% 875 2.84% 150 2.27% 220 8.42% 2078633 5.25%
21 1673 4.58% 1611 4.50% 1237 4.01% 205 3.11% 270 10.33% 1687281 4.26%
22 1643 4.50% 1633 4.56% 1469 4.76% 432 6.54% 362 13.85% 2105995 5.32%
23 1945 5.33% 1919 5.36% 1789 5.80% 561 8.50% 401 15.34% 1343444 3.39%
24 1727 4.73% 1699 4.75% 1547 5.02% 342 5.18% 263 10.06% 2323773 5.87%
25 1647 4.51% 1590 4.44% 883 2.86% 205 3.11% 217 8.30% 2286675 5.78%
26 1256 3.44% 1248 3.49% 1195 3.87% 327 4.95% 247 9.45% 1483344 3.75%
27 1269 3.48% 1250 3.49% 1199 3.89% 237 3.59% 172 6.58% 1452740 3.67%
28 757 2.07% 753 2.10% 692 2.24% 227 3.44% 191 7.31% 46042 0.12%
29 1032 2.83% 1014 2.83% 966 3.13% 384 5.82% 317 12.13% 278426 0.70%
30 376 1.03% 346 0.97% 308 1.00% 173 2.62% 114 4.36% 3403539 8.60%

Hourly usage for June 2019

Hourly Statistics for June 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 45 1364 3.74% 44 1349 3.77% 39 1171 3.80% 15752 472545 1.19%
1 49 1499 4.11% 49 1480 4.14% 42 1266 4.10% 69532 2085956 5.27%
2 76 2294 6.29% 75 2274 6.36% 67 2022 6.56% 12475 374250 0.95%
3 46 1397 3.83% 45 1375 3.84% 37 1132 3.67% 48994 1469830 3.71%
4 63 1892 5.18% 62 1871 5.23% 53 1605 5.20% 70306 2109169 5.33%
5 44 1331 3.65% 42 1279 3.57% 34 1040 3.37% 75607 2268199 5.73%
6 45 1369 3.75% 44 1330 3.72% 36 1083 3.51% 95755 2872644 7.26%
7 46 1389 3.81% 45 1354 3.78% 36 1095 3.55% 36033 1081000 2.73%
8 42 1281 3.51% 41 1241 3.47% 33 1003 3.25% 42201 1266025 3.20%
9 49 1472 4.03% 48 1445 4.04% 40 1200 3.89% 22628 678827 1.71%
10 44 1335 3.66% 43 1314 3.67% 35 1064 3.45% 82187 2465621 6.23%
11 54 1628 4.46% 49 1482 4.14% 45 1354 4.39% 109224 3276729 8.28%
12 50 1511 4.14% 48 1460 4.08% 38 1165 3.78% 42256 1267688 3.20%
13 57 1738 4.76% 57 1719 4.80% 47 1434 4.65% 169381 5081436 12.83%
14 46 1382 3.79% 45 1363 3.81% 37 1128 3.66% 35380 1061406 2.68%
15 86 2585 7.08% 85 2573 7.19% 78 2359 7.65% 12132 363967 0.92%
16 45 1360 3.73% 44 1339 3.74% 38 1152 3.74% 74537 2236110 5.65%
17 55 1659 4.55% 54 1645 4.60% 49 1484 4.81% 35586 1067584 2.70%
18 51 1558 4.27% 51 1541 4.31% 46 1385 4.49% 8983 269490 0.68%
19 43 1316 3.61% 43 1304 3.64% 36 1101 3.57% 74702 2241068 5.66%
20 41 1237 3.39% 40 1218 3.40% 36 1085 3.52% 54581 1637437 4.14%
21 39 1185 3.25% 38 1156 3.23% 34 1043 3.38% 28006 840193 2.12%
22 38 1152 3.16% 37 1131 3.16% 34 1045 3.39% 1073 32177 0.08%
23 52 1560 4.27% 51 1537 4.30% 47 1425 4.62% 102381 3071442 7.76%

Top 30 of 366 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 18541 50.81% 439047 1.11% /webalizer/
2 5185 14.21% 6463 0.02% /
3 4444 12.18% 467084 1.18% /webalizer/usage_201906.html
4 2450 6.71% 585390 1.48% /awstats/data/
5 1571 4.30% 77 0.00% /robots.txt
6 1435 3.93% 154411 0.39% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
7 596 1.63% 36119 0.09% /awstats/data/
8 135 0.37% 716 0.00% /login.html.hsphere
9 47 0.13% 32 0.00% /awstats/
10 45 0.12% 5684 0.01% /webalizer/usage_201509.html
11 44 0.12% 58 0.00% /cp/
12 41 0.11% 29 0.00% /joseph/
13 38 0.10% 1149 0.00% /awstats/icon/flags/
14 36 0.10% 92 0.00% /images/
15 34 0.09% 6851723 17.31% /joseph/
16 32 0.09% 38 0.00% /cp/images/
17 32 0.09% 30934333 78.14% /joseph/Joseph_Decker.m4v
18 29 0.08% 37 0.00% /awstats/icon/
19 29 0.08% 44 0.00% /awstats/icon/cpu/
20 29 0.08% 156 0.00% /awstats/icon/mime/
21 29 0.08% 321 0.00% /awstats/icon/os/
22 26 0.07% 334 0.00% /awstats/icon/browser/
23 26 0.07% 87 0.00% /awstats/icon/other/
24 25 0.07% 46 0.00% /awstats/icon/clock/
25 24 0.07% 373 0.00% /awstats/data/
26 23 0.06% 1786 0.00% /awstats/data/
27 18 0.05% 1718 0.00% /awstats/data/
28 16 0.04% 2795 0.01% /awstats/data/
29 14 0.04% 399 0.00% /images/Thumbs.db
30 13 0.04% 1300 0.00% /awstats/data/

Top 10 of 366 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 32 0.09% 30934333 78.14% /joseph/Joseph_Decker.m4v
2 34 0.09% 6851723 17.31% /joseph/
3 2450 6.71% 585390 1.48% /awstats/data/
4 4444 12.18% 467084 1.18% /webalizer/usage_201906.html
5 18541 50.81% 439047 1.11% /webalizer/
6 1435 3.93% 154411 0.39% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
7 596 1.63% 36119 0.09% /awstats/data/
8 9 0.02% 6923 0.02% /awstats/data/
9 5185 14.21% 6463 0.02% /
10 45 0.12% 5684 0.01% /webalizer/usage_201509.html

Top 10 of 97 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 18541 50.81% 3949 60.12% /webalizer/
2 4444 12.18% 1343 20.45% /webalizer/usage_201906.html
3 5185 14.21% 1019 15.51% /
4 45 0.12% 44 0.67% /webalizer/usage_201509.html
5 1435 3.93% 12 0.18% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
6 47 0.13% 11 0.17% /awstats/
7 44 0.12% 8 0.12% /cp/
8 29 0.08% 7 0.11% /awstats/icon/
9 41 0.11% 7 0.11% /joseph/
10 38 0.10% 6 0.09% /awstats/icon/flags/

Top 10 of 98 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 18541 50.81% 4005 61.02% /webalizer/
2 4444 12.18% 1343 20.46% /webalizer/usage_201906.html
3 5185 14.21% 953 14.52% /
4 45 0.12% 39 0.59% /webalizer/usage_201509.html
5 41 0.11% 16 0.24% /joseph/
6 1435 3.93% 12 0.18% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
7 44 0.12% 7 0.11% /cp/
8 32 0.09% 7 0.11% /cp/images/
9 47 0.13% 6 0.09% /awstats/
10 38 0.10% 6 0.09% /awstats/icon/flags/

Top 30 of 2614 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5072 13.90% 5072 14.18% 102934 0.26% 47 0.71%
2 4881 13.37% 4881 13.64% 81976 0.21% 172 2.61%
3 3852 10.56% 3852 10.77% 91427 0.23% 901 13.65%
4 2789 7.64% 2789 7.79% 293033 0.74% 22 0.33%
5 1433 3.93% 1433 4.01% 153983 0.39% 11 0.17%
6 1323 3.63% 1323 3.70% 31395 0.08% 241 3.65%
7 904 2.48% 904 2.53% 2823 0.01% 23 0.35%
8 789 2.16% 789 2.21% 17451 0.04% 1 0.02%
9 747 2.05% 747 2.09% 12365 0.03% 26 0.39%
10 717 1.96% 712 1.99% 1023727 2.59% 2 0.03%
11 689 1.89% 689 1.93% 11546 0.03% 55 0.83%
12 609 1.67% 609 1.70% 14454 0.04% 452 6.85%
13 493 1.35% 493 1.38% 0 0.00% 17 0.26%
14 475 1.30% 475 1.33% 654 0.00% 95 1.44%
15 470 1.29% 470 1.31% 112299 0.28% 0 0.00%
16 454 1.24% 454 1.27% 7418 0.02% 25 0.38%
17 279 0.76% 273 0.76% 11882 0.03% 1 0.02%
18 255 0.70% 255 0.71% 4821 0.01% 39 0.59%
19 231 0.63% 231 0.65% 3806 0.01% 8 0.12%
20 198 0.54% 198 0.55% 47309 0.12% 0 0.00%
21 178 0.49% 178 0.50% 2490 0.01% 28 0.42%
22 158 0.43% 158 0.44% 2431 0.01% 15 0.23%
23 140 0.38% 112 0.31% 7407 0.02% 1 0.02%
24 135 0.37% 135 0.38% 2533 0.01% 25 0.38%
25 124 0.34% 124 0.35% 29628 0.07% 0 0.00%
26 120 0.33% 114 0.32% 16189824 40.89% 34 0.51%
27 120 0.33% 120 0.34% 1910 0.00% 7 0.11%
28 110 0.30% 110 0.31% 2611 0.01% 2 0.03%
29 110 0.30% 110 0.31% 26283 0.07% 0 0.00%
30 108 0.30% 108 0.30% 25805 0.07% 0 0.00%

Top 10 of 2614 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 120 0.33% 114 0.32% 16189824 40.89% 34 0.51%
2 9 0.02% 9 0.03% 2197286 5.55% 3 0.05%
3 7 0.02% 7 0.02% 2197280 5.55% 2 0.03%
4 6 0.02% 5 0.01% 2197273 5.55% 1 0.02%
5 8 0.02% 8 0.02% 1401033 3.54% 2 0.03%
6 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 1400916 3.54% 0 0.00%
7 3 0.01% 3 0.01% 1199504 3.03% 1 0.02%
8 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 1199481 3.03% 1 0.02%
9 7 0.02% 6 0.02% 1199406 3.03% 3 0.05%
10 8 0.02% 8 0.02% 1199399 3.03% 2 0.03%

Top 30 of 2118 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3940 10.80% - (Direct Request)
2 2292 6.28%
3 1551 4.25%
4 1382 3.79%
5 1332 3.65%
6 1133 3.10%
7 1110 3.04%
8 918 2.52%
9 888 2.43%
10 664 1.82%
11 600 1.64%
12 567 1.55%
13 536 1.47%
14 475 1.30%
15 449 1.23% https://xn-----6kcaabbafhu7cskl7akvongwpo7hvjj.xn--p1ai/
16 438 1.20%
17 429 1.18%
18 423 1.16%
19 372 1.02%
20 360 0.99%
21 360 0.99%
22 360 0.99%
23 357 0.98%
24 350 0.96%
25 317 0.87%
26 310 0.85%
27 297 0.81%
28 272 0.75%
29 266 0.73%
30 258 0.71%

Top 15 of 286 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4449 12.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
2 2448 6.71% Steroids for Sale (RoidsBiz)
3 1878 5.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.29
4 1830 5.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.2
5 1392 3.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36 OPR/53.0.2
6 904 2.48% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
7 903 2.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36 OPR/53.0.
8 717 1.96% serpstatbot/1.0 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
9 524 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.2952.64
10 515 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36 OPR/55.0.2
11 497 1.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36
12 493 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
13 490 1.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
14 487 1.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36
15 486 1.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.79 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for June 2019

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 36494 100.00% 35891 100.31% 39590789 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20