Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2019
Generated 01-Mar-2019 02:00 MST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2019
Total Hits 32845
Total Files 31809
Total Pages 28555
Total Visits 6085
Total KBytes 7572272
Total Unique Sites 2235
Total Unique URLs 241
Total Unique Referrers 1755
Total Unique User Agents 351
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 48 259
Hits per Day 1173 1932
Files per Day 1136 1926
Pages per Day 1019 1672
Sites per Day 79 280
Visits per Day 217 410
KBytes per Day 270438 2148336
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 96.85% 31809
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.66% 216
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.20% 66
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.10% 34
Code 403 - Forbidden 1.06% 349
Code 404 - Not Found 1.13% 371

Daily usage for February 2019

Daily Statistics for February 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1177 3.58% 1036 3.26% 930 3.26% 203 3.34% 114 5.10% 1102526 14.56%
2 1015 3.09% 980 3.08% 779 2.73% 320 5.26% 222 9.93% 82283 1.09%
3 1255 3.82% 1247 3.92% 1109 3.88% 332 5.46% 210 9.40% 78590 1.04%
4 1349 4.11% 1344 4.23% 1111 3.89% 266 4.37% 177 7.92% 101827 1.34%
5 1335 4.06% 1313 4.13% 1023 3.58% 323 5.31% 206 9.22% 115060 1.52%
6 1825 5.56% 1800 5.66% 1390 4.87% 410 6.74% 280 12.53% 2148336 28.37%
7 1873 5.70% 1854 5.83% 1446 5.06% 341 5.60% 184 8.23% 156056 2.06%
8 1599 4.87% 1582 4.97% 1331 4.66% 408 6.71% 226 10.11% 115284 1.52%
9 1455 4.43% 1446 4.55% 1219 4.27% 251 4.12% 148 6.62% 95199 1.26%
10 1932 5.88% 1926 6.05% 1672 5.86% 120 1.97% 62 2.77% 104206 1.38%
11 1745 5.31% 1689 5.31% 1627 5.70% 148 2.43% 87 3.89% 65942 0.87%
12 1646 5.01% 1619 5.09% 1570 5.50% 199 3.27% 109 4.88% 1056749 13.96%
13 817 2.49% 772 2.43% 734 2.57% 165 2.71% 95 4.25% 51781 0.68%
14 701 2.13% 682 2.14% 637 2.23% 147 2.42% 73 3.27% 28084 0.37%
15 807 2.46% 646 2.03% 720 2.52% 174 2.86% 121 5.41% 26304 0.35%
16 546 1.66% 512 1.61% 468 1.64% 107 1.76% 77 3.45% 9841 0.13%
17 606 1.85% 575 1.81% 520 1.82% 135 2.22% 93 4.16% 11390 0.15%
18 817 2.49% 805 2.53% 756 2.65% 130 2.14% 99 4.43% 8377 0.11%
19 880 2.68% 829 2.61% 788 2.76% 160 2.63% 119 5.32% 7944 0.10%
20 683 2.08% 664 2.09% 616 2.16% 188 3.09% 115 5.15% 13107 0.17%
21 1072 3.26% 1048 3.29% 938 3.28% 173 2.84% 91 4.07% 27357 0.36%
22 987 3.01% 963 3.03% 914 3.20% 173 2.84% 100 4.47% 21725 0.29%
23 642 1.95% 613 1.93% 575 2.01% 139 2.28% 91 4.07% 8153 0.11%
24 1454 4.43% 1401 4.40% 1373 4.81% 195 3.20% 131 5.86% 1013355 13.38%
25 636 1.94% 596 1.87% 565 1.98% 233 3.83% 158 7.07% 7716 0.10%
26 933 2.84% 889 2.79% 844 2.96% 234 3.85% 157 7.02% 1012917 13.38%
27 1557 4.74% 1516 4.77% 1477 5.17% 312 5.13% 236 10.56% 42108 0.56%
28 1501 4.57% 1462 4.60% 1423 4.98% 133 2.19% 95 4.25% 60055 0.79%

Hourly usage for February 2019

Hourly Statistics for February 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 46 1306 3.98% 46 1293 4.06% 41 1148 4.02% 37869 1060345 14.00%
1 46 1304 3.97% 45 1286 4.04% 40 1147 4.02% 2234 62560 0.83%
2 46 1307 3.98% 45 1281 4.03% 40 1128 3.95% 2307 64595 0.85%
3 45 1261 3.84% 44 1240 3.90% 38 1088 3.81% 2346 65691 0.87%
4 46 1302 3.96% 45 1263 3.97% 39 1102 3.86% 2335 65380 0.86%
5 56 1593 4.85% 46 1293 4.06% 50 1409 4.93% 2822 79022 1.04%
6 45 1276 3.88% 44 1249 3.93% 39 1103 3.86% 2342 65584 0.87%
7 45 1269 3.86% 44 1243 3.91% 38 1084 3.80% 2363 66150 0.87%
8 45 1269 3.86% 44 1248 3.92% 39 1099 3.85% 37982 1063509 14.04%
9 45 1275 3.88% 44 1248 3.92% 38 1088 3.81% 2412 67544 0.89%
10 48 1353 4.12% 47 1323 4.16% 41 1159 4.06% 2408 67410 0.89%
11 45 1270 3.87% 44 1232 3.87% 38 1077 3.77% 2293 64208 0.85%
12 48 1354 4.12% 46 1305 4.10% 41 1171 4.10% 2233 62533 0.83%
13 53 1492 4.54% 52 1463 4.60% 46 1314 4.60% 2570 71967 0.95%
14 48 1369 4.17% 48 1349 4.24% 42 1201 4.21% 37873 1060435 14.00%
15 56 1581 4.81% 55 1543 4.85% 50 1408 4.93% 38221 1070176 14.13%
16 45 1268 3.86% 44 1235 3.88% 39 1107 3.88% 2218 62095 0.82%
17 53 1511 4.60% 52 1474 4.63% 47 1332 4.66% 2708 75836 1.00%
18 46 1312 3.99% 45 1273 4.00% 40 1133 3.97% 2221 62183 0.82%
19 52 1467 4.47% 51 1428 4.49% 45 1267 4.44% 2443 68404 0.90%
20 46 1307 3.98% 45 1280 4.02% 40 1134 3.97% 37802 1058451 13.98%
21 54 1516 4.62% 52 1467 4.61% 47 1335 4.68% 2340 65521 0.87%
22 53 1501 4.57% 52 1474 4.63% 47 1319 4.62% 37961 1062895 14.04%
23 49 1382 4.21% 47 1319 4.15% 42 1202 4.21% 2135 59778 0.79%

Top 30 of 241 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11787 35.89% 16222 0.21% /
2 8630 26.27% 204100 2.70% /webalizer/
3 5817 17.71% 630281 8.32% /webalizer/usage_201811.html
4 2265 6.90% 541187 7.15% /awstats/data/
5 1044 3.18% 51 0.00% /robots.txt
6 582 1.77% 62608 0.83% /webalizer/usage_201802.html
7 332 1.01% 1755 0.02% /login.html.hsphere
8 254 0.77% 26928 0.36% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
9 57 0.17% 39 0.00% /awstats/
10 55 0.17% 86 0.00% /cp/
11 48 0.15% 34 0.00% /joseph/
12 46 0.14% 1391 0.02% /awstats/icon/flags/
13 41 0.12% 104 0.00% /images/
14 40 0.12% 133 0.00% /awstats/icon/other/
15 40 0.12% 5052 0.07% /webalizer/usage_201509.html
16 35 0.11% 44 0.00% /awstats/icon/
17 33 0.10% 365 0.00% /awstats/icon/os/
18 32 0.10% 59 0.00% /awstats/icon/clock/
19 31 0.09% 399 0.01% /awstats/icon/browser/
20 31 0.09% 166 0.00% /awstats/icon/mime/
21 31 0.09% 37 0.00% /cp/images/
22 29 0.09% 44 0.00% /awstats/icon/cpu/
23 28 0.09% 420 0.01% /awstats/data/
24 20 0.06% 3727 0.05% /awstats/data/
25 20 0.06% 3473 0.05% /awstats/data/
26 15 0.05% 2 0.00% /icons/blank.gif
27 14 0.04% 3 0.00% /icons/folder.gif
28 14 0.04% 3 0.00% /icons/text.gif
29 12 0.04% 6559 0.09% /awstats/data/
30 12 0.04% 1519 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201606.html

Top 10 of 241 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8 0.02% 5987753 79.07% /joseph/Joseph_Decker.m4v
2 5817 17.71% 630281 8.32% /webalizer/usage_201811.html
3 2265 6.90% 541187 7.15% /awstats/data/
4 8630 26.27% 204100 2.70% /webalizer/
5 582 1.77% 62608 0.83% /webalizer/usage_201802.html
6 254 0.77% 26928 0.36% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
7 11787 35.89% 16222 0.21% /
8 11 0.03% 8180 0.11% /awstats/data/
9 12 0.04% 6559 0.09% /awstats/data/
10 40 0.12% 5052 0.07% /webalizer/usage_201509.html

Top 10 of 84 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8630 26.27% 2942 48.62% /webalizer/
2 11787 35.89% 2189 36.18% /
3 5817 17.71% 664 10.97% /webalizer/usage_201811.html
4 40 0.12% 37 0.61% /webalizer/usage_201509.html
5 254 0.77% 33 0.55% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
6 57 0.17% 12 0.20% /awstats/
7 55 0.17% 12 0.20% /cp/
8 48 0.15% 11 0.18% /joseph/
9 46 0.14% 9 0.15% /awstats/icon/flags/
10 10 0.03% 8 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201011.html

Top 10 of 85 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8630 26.27% 3092 51.07% /webalizer/
2 11787 35.89% 2040 33.70% /
3 5817 17.71% 665 10.98% /webalizer/usage_201811.html
4 40 0.12% 36 0.59% /webalizer/usage_201509.html
5 254 0.77% 33 0.55% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
6 55 0.17% 15 0.25% /cp/
7 48 0.15% 13 0.21% /joseph/
8 57 0.17% 10 0.17% /awstats/
9 46 0.14% 9 0.15% /awstats/icon/flags/
10 10 0.03% 8 0.13% /webalizer/usage_201512.html

Top 30 of 2235 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4658 14.18% 4658 14.64% 78119 1.03% 167 2.74%
2 4084 12.43% 4084 12.84% 442506 5.84% 88 1.45%
3 2076 6.32% 2076 6.53% 2859 0.04% 1 0.02%
4 1944 5.92% 1944 6.11% 210468 2.78% 577 9.48%
5 1500 4.57% 1500 4.72% 2065 0.03% 1 0.02%
6 1455 4.43% 1455 4.57% 23790 0.31% 213 3.50%
7 1188 3.62% 1188 3.73% 1636 0.02% 6 0.10%
8 1100 3.35% 1100 3.46% 1515 0.02% 233 3.83%
9 1019 3.10% 751 2.36% 8553 0.11% 193 3.17%
10 772 2.35% 772 2.43% 6608 0.09% 50 0.82%
11 660 2.01% 660 2.07% 909 0.01% 1 0.02%
12 644 1.96% 644 2.02% 10898 0.14% 149 2.45%
13 576 1.75% 576 1.81% 61962 0.82% 2 0.03%
14 565 1.72% 565 1.78% 134998 1.78% 0 0.00%
15 518 1.58% 518 1.63% 123768 1.63% 0 0.00%
16 444 1.35% 444 1.40% 7448 0.10% 12 0.20%
17 438 1.33% 438 1.38% 10390 0.14% 292 4.80%
18 371 1.13% 371 1.17% 88645 1.17% 0 0.00%
19 324 0.99% 324 1.02% 446 0.01% 4 0.07%
20 278 0.85% 218 0.69% 14389 0.19% 2 0.03%
21 270 0.82% 270 0.85% 64512 0.85% 0 0.00%
22 226 0.69% 226 0.71% 311 0.00% 28 0.46%
23 222 0.68% 222 0.70% 3725 0.05% 6 0.10%
24 201 0.61% 201 0.63% 48026 0.63% 0 0.00%
25 187 0.57% 186 0.58% 1003001 13.25% 1 0.02%
26 187 0.57% 187 0.59% 44681 0.59% 0 0.00%
27 187 0.57% 186 0.58% 1002988 13.25% 1 0.02%
28 154 0.47% 141 0.44% 4986 0.07% 46 0.76%
29 132 0.40% 132 0.41% 9755 0.13% 1 0.02%
30 126 0.38% 126 0.40% 1872 0.02% 15 0.25%

Top 10 of 2235 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 187 0.57% 186 0.58% 1003001 13.25% 1 0.02%
2 187 0.57% 186 0.58% 1002988 13.25% 1 0.02%
3 15 0.05% 15 0.05% 998391 13.18% 1 0.02%
4 11 0.03% 10 0.03% 997918 13.18% 1 0.02%
5 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 997873 13.18% 0 0.00%
6 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 997873 13.18% 0 0.00%
7 4084 12.43% 4084 12.84% 442506 5.84% 88 1.45%
8 1944 5.92% 1944 6.11% 210468 2.78% 577 9.48%
9 565 1.72% 565 1.78% 134998 1.78% 0 0.00%
10 518 1.58% 518 1.63% 123768 1.63% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 1755 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3172 9.66%
2 3102 9.44% - (Direct Request)
3 2315 7.05%
4 1554 4.73%
5 1332 4.06%
6 1188 3.62%
7 888 2.70%
8 884 2.69%
9 735 2.24% http://xn----8sbanfacduud3a5aj9a.xn--p1ai/
10 735 2.24%
11 644 1.96%
12 381 1.16%
13 366 1.11%
14 360 1.10%
15 333 1.01%
16 312 0.95%
17 297 0.90%
18 292 0.89%
19 284 0.86%
20 267 0.81%
21 261 0.79%
22 228 0.69%
23 225 0.69%
24 225 0.69%
25 222 0.68%
26 222 0.68%
27 222 0.68%
28 222 0.68%
29 216 0.66%
30 213 0.65%

Top 15 of 351 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2263 6.89% Steroids for Sale (RoidsBiz)
2 1770 5.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.29
3 1719 5.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.2
4 1252 3.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36 OPR/53.0.2
5 875 2.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36 OPR/53.0.
6 772 2.35% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
7 498 1.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.79 Safari/537.36
8 488 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36
9 483 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36
10 483 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.84 Safari/537.36
11 478 1.46% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.84 Safari/537.36
12 474 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.1
13 471 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.75 Safari/537.36
14 465 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36
15 464 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36 Kinza/4.7.2

Usage by Country for February 2019

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 32845 100.00% 32025 100.68% 7572272 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20